Just thought I'd post a quick update, although at this point there won't be any news to report until it's time to start thinking about reconstruction. I'm thinking that surgery will probably happen in the neighborhood of March, which will be one year after radiation was completed. If you don't recall, they told me to wait a year, partly I think because of my risk factor in case something comes up and they have to go in again, and partly to let my skin recover from the trauma of radiation.
The funny thing is, I thought it would be weird to walk around with one boob, but I got used to it when I couldn't wear a bra and it was taking so long to get a prosthetic. I thought it would weird, but I realized I really didn't care. Plus, it seems no one really notices. I guess it's probably helpful that my remaining boob is small anyway, so I guess it's not as noticeable, and people don't seem to stare at each other's chests that much. I suppose that's a good thing. I'll actually have people ask me what kind of cancer I had or if I've had reconstruction yet. I look down at my mangled chest and I'm like, "really?" It doesn't bother me; I just think it's kind of funny.
We had a great time at Disneyland, and as most of you know, Michael and I got engaged. No, it wasn't a surprise, at least to me (we planned it together), although we managed to surprise most of our friends and family! We're very happy and excited. We don't have a date yet, but I'm thinking next spring or summer.
The really great thing about our trip is that my energy held up really well. We bought a four-day pass thinking we'd only be able to do 2-3 hours per day, but I actually lasted 5-6. In fact, Michael tired out about the same time I did. So, I was really happy. And it was truly a magical vacation from beginning to end!
So now that all the traveling is done, I'm back on track with my fitness and nutrition plans. I'd gained a few pounds back, so I have some work to do to get back to where I was a couple months ago. I've already lost a couple, though, so I'm sure I'll be there soon. Just in time for the holidays!